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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Euthanasia-is it the moment?

i just happened to read a few articles on euthanasia..........the practise of killing terminally ill people on thier will,also known as assisted suicide. till today i was of the opinion that people who can no longer live a normal life and are just waiting for death should be allowed to choose the moment of their death instead of forcing them to prolong their agony.their pain and sufferring is something we cannot even imagine.and i believed that it should be legalized. but while browsing through some stats and experiences of people i am now forced to supprt the contrary. Do you know in Netherlands where it is legalized more than 10% deaths are due to euthanasia and this provision is being more misused than used.the population above 80 is getting scarce.A doctor whose cancer patient was recovering quite well suddenly discovers the next morning that that patient had been given the lethal injection that night. such reounts have made me ponder over the fact how will India take it if its allowed and how many of such deaths are after the consent of the patient?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well...u r india atleast there are 99% chances tht such a provision will be misused...considering the vast population waiting for da elder to die so tht they can have their share in property etc...
this is not da only reason there mayb others too..
but only under absolutely strict conditions wherein a committee(consisting of less corrupt people) be set up to keep a guard over such cases...n cases of bribes to doctors(which are bound to reach an all time high if euthanasia is made legal) are may be a success...not otherwise...

Thu Apr 06, 08:50:00 AM  
Blogger Chiranjeev Singh said...

Well this is the biggest amazement I get from people. They are really terrific. uh.. terrific. They do all such things and think their children won't do the same with them. This the biggest paradox of this world. They do all the wrong things and expect that they'll not happen to them.

Wed Mar 05, 08:11:00 AM  

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